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Explore our wallpaper collection by colour and transform your home with the perfect palette. Whether you're looking to add a bold statement with vibrant hues, create a calming retreat with the soft shades of classic neutrals, or achieve timeless sophistication with dark backdrops, get inspired by our curated selection and discover the perfect pattern and shade for your space. We take pride in ensuring that our wallpapers, which celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature, are crafted with the environment in mind. That’s why we steer clear of producing vinyl (PVC) wallpapers, known for their harmful environmental effects. Instead, our wallpapers are made from luxurious, heavyweight non-woven materials, sustainably manufactured in North West England with eco-friendly, water-based inks. These easy-to-apply paste-the-wall wallpapers offer a much lower carbon footprint compared to vinyl. Designed with care and built to last, our patterned wallpapers are a timeless addition to any home. Dive into a world of colour and explore our collection by shade.

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© 2025 Danja Good for Good & Craft 

Ⓡ Good & Craft is a Registered Trademark

The designs/patterns on this website are Registered Designs © Danja Good. All rights reserved.


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Hanging wallpaper is a delicate craft. Please have your wallpaper installed by a professional and experienced wallpaper installer. Whilst crafting beautiful, high-quality products is of great importance to us, a slight shift in colour may occur for each batch during manufacture. Therefore make sure you're ordering all the rolls you’ll need in one goOrdering additional rolls at a later date may result in that batch being sold out. We strongly recommend getting some hanging advice from a decorator to take the correct wall measurements and helping you to calculate the correct amount of wallpaper needed. If you need assistance in calculating the required roll estimate, please get in touch with us prior to placing your order. It is also highly recommended to order a sample of the wallpaper or fabric you are interested in before making your final purchase. Colours and pattern dimensions may appear to be different on screen. For more information please see our FAQ page or get in touch with us.
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